Thursday, February 26, 2009

Economy Forum

Today, we went to the Economy Forum. It was about how the economy crisis affect the youths today. We had small groups to discussed how the economy affect our family, friendship, food and education… Even though I am not really affected by the economy crisis, but I knew there are a lot more peers around me are suffering this. And some of them gave us a brief presentation about what they concern or how they feel about it. During the economy forum, we had a couple of young people who already had kids to raise. And all of them only graduated from high school, then went to work because of the living needs. Obviously, they had hard time to go through this, not only they lack of education, but also they need more time to take care of their “family”. At the end of the forum, one of my classmate interview a young mother. What she said proved me again that education is the power, it is kinda like the symbol of the MONEY. The more education you get, the more money you get paid. That’s how the realistic world works.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Speaker day!!

Today, we had a speaker named form somewhere else. And he is a journalist. He basically was talking about the interview stuffs. And I think this is very useful. Because as a journalist, we have to use the stories to convey a message to the people. In order to write an interesting and true story to kinda catch the people’s attention, we need to go out and do some research. And interview is one of the most important procedures. I have learned what we should do before and during the interview. And when we better talk notes and when we better use the voice recorder during the interview. Jim said that if we use the recorder, the interviewee might get a bit nervous. And there are some abbreviations that we can use to take notes during the interview. But he said it is pretty hard and complicate to learn it. And then we had role play in pairs. He gave us some situations, one of us be the journalist and the other one was the interviewee. And Jim use this as an opportunity to see what we did during the interview. He pointed out what is wrong and what we should do when we faced the awkward problems .It is very interesting to watch that. And I think we had fun today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

After senior cut day!!

Yesterday is the senior cut day. Most of the seniors kind of took a day off. So, I got a four-day weekend which was pretty good for me. And there was a Chinese Lunar New Year during this holiday. So, I spend most of my holiday with my family.
But today, when I came back to school, one of my teacher got very upset because the senior cut day. And, he did a lot of calculations to show how much money did the school lost yesterday. Because he said if the student didn’t come to school , then the state is not gonna give the money to the school. The state gives every student about 50 dollars per day. So, If we didn’t go to school, the state will withdraw the money. In addiction to the money, another question comes up: what should we as a student put in priorities? The education or the play time? We cant get both! Sometimes it’s very hard to choose because the human laziness… Anyways, I have learned a very good lesson that I never learn before.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My 2008!!

2008 was a busy year for me. 2008 is a year for preparing for the SAT, looking for the suitable colleges and filling out the college applications, going to day school and night school, dealing with all kinds of issues and conflicts in our daily life. I feel very content with my life of 2008. I learned a lot and some of them meant a lot to me. And I had wasted something that is really important----time. I had procrastinate on many things such as school stuffs. I used the time to do a lot of unnecessary things. I know there are a lot more opportunities to let me show my abilities in 2009!! I am looking forward it. And I hope that there are some marvelous things are waiting ahead!!