Thursday, September 18, 2008

First Amendment

When I came to the United States from China, I can really feel what is freedom. In China, I couldn’t say that we don’t have freedom, just the freedom was restricted by the government. The people can not say what they want. Only the government officers can make a decisions. In the United States, the people can say or do whatever they want. And the decision such as the presidential election was decided directly by the people.
Basically, the first amendment is that the people can have the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, etc. In my opinion, the freedom of speech is the most important, because people can express what they think, what they want, or what they want the government to concern, so the government can rule the country better. If a country was lack of people’s opinions or cooperation, it’s hard for a government to run a country. But the excessive freedom may cause some unwanted problems. For example, in the United States, the people can own a gun. I think the government should concern this issue. That ’s why so many violent crimes in the present society.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Chinatown Street Fair

Last Saturday, the street fair was held in Chinatown. And I was one of the volunteers who help to set up the booths and maintain order. There were many people at that day. And one of my job was in charge of maintain order. There were many lucky draws. And the people suppose to get in line and take turns. When I asked the people to do that, they totally ignored me. That was so pissed me off! Because there was very noisy , so i need to shout more louder," Get in line, please!" And then the people started to like blame me something like that. But i don't care tho because this is not my idea to get people in line. And most people were seems like they wouldn't have a chance, and some of them pushed the people forward, so the people in the front falling down. I used to tell them everyone would get a chance, but they still... Through this, it can reflect people's self-cultivation. And somepeople did the lucky draw more than twice. I was wondering how many gifts can meet the needs of the pepople. And when one booth started to passed out some free gifts, the people like rushed forward and robbed it. They acts like the refugees. I am not debase them, i just said the truth. I feel so pity that the people were so lack of civilization. And it can reflect the rapacious side of the people. And the pepople threw the garbage everywhere even though the garbage can was right in front of them. I cann't imagine what if every people is like that, how's the world gonna look like...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The glory vs conscience

The world is filled with competetion and challenge. Many people betray their conscience for the purpose of gaining glory. In September 6, 2008, the famous sprinter of United State, Marion Jones, was released from the prison where she stayed as long as six months. Because she used some banned medicine such as steriod to improve her perfomance at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. She lied to the federal investigators about using steriods. She denying all the rumors about she using stimilant until last year. Afer that, the standings normally would be readjusted, with the second-place finisher moved up to gold, third to silver and fourth to bronze. Ans Jones had to give up five medals which she won at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
Sometimes, people's judgement was warped by their self-interest. Many people live under their lies. The glory is very attractive, but we have to live with our certain standards...

Monday, September 1, 2008

The March outbreak of violence in Tibet

As you know, China had been suffered the March outbreak of violence in a Tibet few months ago. Because Tibet attempt to be an independent country. So China has stepped up its campaign to vilify the Dalai Lama who is the Tibetan spiritual leader , blamed him for the unrest, which Beijing says was part of the campaign to split the Himalayan region from the rest of China. Dalai Lama spended several months to travel globe to highlight the struggle of Tibetans for greater freedom in China and to teach Buddhism. Delai Lama often leads the Tibetan to against the Chinese rule.
As a chinese, I very hopefully that China can be more unity. But we can not advoid some people who against their own country. I think some other country has the same situation as China. So, if a country can not hold together, it is so hard for a country to survive, to compete with other country.