Tuesday, October 28, 2008


To be a news reporter is easy, but how to be a good news reporter is the important question. We need a lot of profession skills to be a successful news reporter. As a news reporter, we have the responsibility to report the true things to our audience. I think that is the most important purpose of the news reporting. We can not just write a news story only relied on what we heard. So, before we started to write the news story, we have to seek what had happen about the story. That means we have to go out and do some research and interview people. In this case, we probably need some particular skills in order to communicate with the people better. After we done with the resarching, we have to organized the informations, then start to write the news story.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Staying healthy in a sick economy

I have read a news about how people keep their physical fitness. As you all known, the United States economy have faced crisis until now. It has an extended influence around the world. In the recent days, many people lost jobs and the companies lost money. The businesspeople are really stress about the financial crisis. The people trying their best not to panic about the market. The only way to get away from it is to get some kind of outlet. So, many people hoping that the exercises can help them. For instance, attending the yoga class and running in the morning. I think this is a good way to “escape” the stress. Because when people are doing exercise, they only focus on exercise, and they can find somebody to talk to during that time. So this maybe a special pull.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Minor Pregnancy--should we notice the parent??

As you known, the rate of minor pregnancy keep increasing year by year and some of the minors were died from the abortion without notice their parents or legal guardians. This caused the concern of the government. So, the government make a proposition about the doctor should notice the parents of the pregnant minor. In my opinion, the doctor should have that responsibility to notice the pregnant minor’s parents because they should know what happen to their children. Some parents don’t even know their children was die from the abortion. There are some benefits if the doctor notice the parents. The parents can take care of their child mentally and physically after the abortion. In the coming election day, the people can vote some propositions which is made by the California government. And the proposition which talking about the minor pregnant is Prop 4. People should vote for it!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Student election

The student election seems like the hottest topic during last week. Many students propagandized for their ideal candidate. During the speech in last Thursday, every candidate tried their best to impress people.In my opinion, making our school community become a better place not only the main job for the new president, but also the main job for another officers.I think this is not as easy as they thought. It will accupy a lot of their personal time and some other stuffs. At the same time, there are more challenges that they need to face in the following school year. Listening to the students' suggestion also very important. No matter eho can be our president, i believe that he can make our school better...